of one of the Hcattored "vessels of the Spanish Armada.
The ballad beglnn : —

»** Why gallops tlin |»l£wy with Lwly Duimnt t*
Who driven
awity Turnbwrry'ii kit*** frww thu uiion f
Go toll it in Currtak, «*nt 141 it It* Kylw —
Although th« prowl I )««« art! now imwun^ Uw
On itiif* tttityfitt <!h*ww

Old FJiinww <Io Aftjturt htut tAktitt It* li;inil
To wiiwl up thuit Uviut wrt» Uw>y wit* t«

Scott Iiutmidiatidy wrotn t4> tlw «ulhor, lugging to be
included in IUH Tint of 8iib»arilH*r« for a it<»%«»n oopum, axid
suggOBting at tho »amn tiwo a vorbal alto.ruiiou in one

of the stanssan of thin ballot!* Mr. Train ac^knowlodged
Ms letter with gratttmU^ mul tlta little bottle readied him
just an ho wan about to ombark in the Hghthoune yacht.
He took It with him on hi» voyage, an<l, <m rotumbg
home again, wrote ta Mr, Traint expressing tho gratifi-
cation he had roeeiwd from wwmil of hm in*^trk^al pioaea$
but still mare from hi» noten, and rcHjueHtliig him, as he
seemed to be <mthumattiio about trsuHttotm anil legends,
to eommtiiucmte any matters of that <wli*r eonneebnl with
Galloway which ho might not huuneif think of turning
to account; u£or»" aaitl Soott^ u nothing iitterentii me so
much as local anoodotett; and, m tlw uppli^itumB for
charity tiaually conclude, the umallaat donation will bo
thankfully accepted.**

Mr. Train, in a little narrative with whieli he has
favored me* says, that lor nomo jmm tiefcire thiH time
he had been engagad» ia aUtanco with ft frumd of his,
Mr. Donaiston, in collecting mtitorifiltf for a Ilwtory of
Galloway; they had circulated lirts of queriei among the
clergy and parish sohoolmaitOTft, and had UIUH, and by
their owm personal ro«oarchoAt actcumulatcMl $tn groat
variety of tho most excellent iiiaterialii for tlmt purpose ;"
"but tibat, from the hour of his cowaspondeiwe with Wal-
ter Scott, hi "imouttced ©wry idea of authortfiiip for
^ Tbt Hull of Caifcyft*